Thursday, April 12, 2012

OK...I'm not a great blogger. I love the idea and I have read SO many great blogs. I have learned blogging does not come is a skill that I am sure takes time to master. I'll work on that.
My newest project is going to be organizing the mess called my craft room. Believe is horrible! For too long I have been creating around the chaos and I think it's clouding my creativity. My daughter in law supplied me with a little incentive to tackle that room. She stumbled upon a yard sale where she scored 6 huge boxes of fabric. Oh yeah....yards and yards of the stuff...for only $20.00. Among which were some crochet hooks, a few knitting needles and some yarn.
So...on to the task at hand. Maybe I'll get to some before and after pics. Until next time....God Bless.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I have been busy this week! My daughter in law is in the hospital and I have the pleasure of taking care of my grand daughter, P,  who just turned 3. Boy, I had forgotten how much work a toddler is. BUT...I can't say enough how much fun it has been to have her here for almost a week. I do believe they are just born smart. She keeps us on our toes around here let me tell ya! I haven't had a lot of time for crafting and such, but that's ok. Spending all this time with her is simply priceless!
I have lots of ideas I want to try. Which is a good thing, because when P goes home, I am going to be SO bored. Now, if I can just get her to eat her veggies!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hello everyone! I have never blogged in my life although I've read quite a few. With so many talented and witty people out there, I really question my ability to do this. I have no idea what I have in store for everyone, but I'm gonna give it a a shot.

Today I made some Amish Friendship Bread. I have been thinking for the last few months of starting one...but I am such a procrastinator! Thankfully, a friend gave me a starter and today was the day to finish it. There are so many variations, it was difficult to decide. I finally settled on blueberry, chocolate and left one cinnamon. I've posted a starter recipe and directions below. is a little smaller, but I wasn't sure how the blueberries would work out so I just made a little one. I do think the chocolate one needs a little more chocolate. Maybe I'll add mini chocolate chips next time. My recipe said to bake for 45 minutes, but it does take about an hour.

I have 2 more starters to give away and one to keep. So I guess I have 10 days to decide what my next loafs will be. Maybe banana/blueberry...and another (more) chocolate......

Amish Cinnamon Friendship Bread
       Do not use a metal bowl or spoon for mixing. Do not refrigerate. It is normal for batter to 
       thicken, bubble, or ferment
Day 1: Do Nothing.
Day 2: Mush the bag.  (If bag gets full of air…just open the bag a little, let it out, reseal.)
Day 3: Mush the bag.
Day 4: Mush the bag.
Day 5: Mush the bag.
Day 6: Add 2 c. of flour, 1 c. of sugar, 1 c. of milk. Mush the bag until mixed.
Day 7: Mush the bag.
Day 8: Mush the bag.
Day 9: Mush the bag.
Day 10: In a large, non-metal bowl, combine batter with 1 1/2 c. each flour, sugar, and milk. Mix with a wooden spoon. Pour four 1-cup starters into individual gallon ziploc bags. Give away starters to friends with a set of these directions. (I used freezer bags…they’re thicker.) If you can’t give it all away…freeze a bag. When ready, let it thaw. That will be day 2.

To the remaining batter add:
·         1 c. canola oil (OR ½ cup oil & ½ cup applesauce)
·         1 c. sugar
·         1/2  t. vanilla
·         3 eggs
·         2 t. baking powder
·         1/2  t. salt
·         2 c. flour
·         1/2 c. milk
·         1/2 t. baking soda
·         1 large box of instant vanilla pudding (Sugar free works fine)
·         2 t. cinnamon
In separate bowl, mix 1 t. cinnamon and 3 T. sugar. Sprinkle into well-greased loaf pans and coat the sides with sugar mixture. Do not use Pam or other non-stick spray. Bake at 325° for 45 minutes. (Mine took a little longer.Use the toothpick test.)

NOTE - Pam spray works just fine for greasing the pans. I used Pam and omitted the sugar. I also used self rising flour throughout.

My Variations:

I mixed everything as listed above then separated my batter. Depending on the size of your pans, separate it in to 2 or 3 batches. (I did make one smaller than the other two.)  To one I left it as is. To the smaller one I added a handful of frozen blueberries.( Roll lightly in flour to prevent them from sinking.) I added about ¼ cup cocoa to the last one. I think I’d add a little more cocoa if you really like chocolate. You can change the flavor of pudding also. Don't you just love the "Mush the bag"?

There are many variations of a starter for this bread.
Some call for yeast, some don’t. The easiest is as follows…
  1 cup flour    1 cup sugar    1 cup milk   (For other variations just Google it.)

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I'm now on to another project. It's not like I don't have a few...ok more than a few...that I need to finish. I think crocheting some more fruit will be next. Until next time...God Bless!